Under the blanket

I got scared this morning mummy, The world was in my face, Everything was spinning, And I had lost my place.

I was frightened this morning mummy, I didn’t know what to do, But please don’t think for one second, It was anything to do with you.

I was terrified this morning mummy, Round the room objects flew, I didn’t know what was wrong, I didn’t know what to blame or who.

I felt so lost this morning mummy, My body was out of sync, Was it pain, sadness, hurt or fear? I didn’t even want my drink.

I felt so sad this morning mummy, My body was in pain, What is this feeling engulfing me? Will I ever feel the same? 

Something is not right this morning mummy, All I know has gone today, Come hide with me mummy, Away from the world we will stay.

I’ll come hide with you my darling, And under the blanket we will stay, Until all your fears and frights, Have long long gone away.

Under the blanket just you and me, We can smile and we can snuggle, Maybe you will find your laugh again, Maybe even have a cuddle.

Mummy do you maybe think, That possibly I am ill? I feel so hot and sweaty, And I just want to be still.

But my mind is so manic, I just want it to stop, It’s constantly running, But I do not know from what.

Because my dearest mummy, I do not know when I am ill, I don’t recognise these feelings, I can not speak how I feel.

I throw and lash out, In anger and frustration, Please don’t get angry mummy, I’m on my own in trepidation.

It’s ok my darling child, Have some medicine for your woes, And under the blanket we will stay, Until all your fear and fright goes.

Lay your head on my shoulder child, Against my bruised chest and heart, I won’t hold your violence against you, For you find life so hard.

So cuddle up with me darling, Under the blanket just you and me, And when life seems better, All the stronger we will be.

Feel better soon Kiddo, love Mum xxx

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